S o n i a K h u r a n a
born on august 8th, 1968, in Saharanpur, U.P., India.
2002-2004 Artistic research Residency, the Rijksakademie VBK, Amsterdam
1997-99 Masters in Fine Arts, Royal College Of Art, London.
1996 FTII-Film & television Institute of India, Pune, a short, summer course.
1986-93 Bachelors and Masters in Fine Arts College Of Art, Delhi.
Select, recent art works: Highlights:
Forthcoming :
June 2012 to Dec 2012 How am I - narratives about the search for identity in different realities, museum Kastrupgardsamlingen, Copenhagen and LKA, New Delhi.
December 2012 - Re-picturing the feminine: new and hybrid realities in the art world- a survey of Indian and Australian contemporary female artists, a satellite event for the Inaugural KOCHI MUZURIS
Ongoing participations:
Shows - last six years :
Select recent Solo shows:
2009: solo exhibition: Sonia Khurana-video works Goethe institut, Delhi, March-April, 2009.
2009: Solo presentation : at Studio Teresa Sapey , in conjunction with ARCO and Studio Teresa Sapey, Madrid, 2009.
2007: June/July Still/Moving Image Gallerie Jousse Enterprise, Paris
2006 Feb many lives : recent video works Apeejay Media Gallery, New Delhi. [ under the event: ‘the performative self]
2001, Jan Lone Women Don’t Lie part II [the Oxford Bookstore Gallery, Calcutta. Video / photo / sound / installation / drawing / object /performance.]
2000, Sept Lone Women Don’t Lie: part I
Queen’s Gallery, British Council Delhi. And part II at the Max Muller Bhavan, Goethe Institute, Delhi.
collective participations: last six years
June 2012 to Dec 2012 How am I - narratives about the search for identity in different realities, museum Kastrupgardsamlingen, Copenhagen and LKA, New Delhi.
Jan 2012 Lying down on the ground version IV Delhi premiere of Khurana’s ongoing, travelling, live art project during the internatioal theatre festival, Bharat Rang Mahotsav 2012, in Delhi,.
Jan 2012 Video Wednesday, edition curated by Gayatri Sinha, for Gallery Espace.
Jan 2012, India Art Fair 2012 , lens-based works, shown as guest participant with gallery Volte, Mumbai
December 2011 to January 2012 your name if different there exhibition curated by Nancy Adajania. Includes three other artists works. Volte Mumbai,.
December, 2011 the Yellow Line Project, facilitator for a collaboration between dance and film, new delhi. Made a new film during this project.
November 2011 Psychoanalysis and the arts in India, speaker, at a one day symposium that brings together scholars, psychoanalysts and artists, a khoj initiative,.
May 2011 till September 2011Paris-Delhi-Bombay : at the Pompidou center, Paris.
June 2011 till September 2011Video: an art, a history, at the Singapore art Museum.
June 2011 to August 2011Streetwiseat the Chelsea Art Museum.
Sept 2011 to 0ct 2011 I am here sept Jaaga art foundation, Bangalore.
october to november 2011 In you is the illusion of each day, Latitude gallery, New Delhi,.
Sept 2010 Liverpool biennial 2010, Liverpool, John Moores University.
August to october 2010 art and cities, Aichi triennale 2010: Nagoya Japan [video installation & performance event]
October till december 2010 Place time play [ under the prject: west heavens ] Group exhibition resulting from artistic, cultural exchange between China and India. Shanghai.
November to December 2010 changing skins, Prince of Wales Museum, Bombay.
November 2010a tribute to Yvonne Rainer British film institute, London, november 2010.
May 2009 to May, 2010 Elles@Pompidou : a historical ,survey exhibition of feminist art practices in the 20 th and 21 st century at Centre Pompidou, Paris.
Jan 2010 to April 2010 Where three dreams cross: photography from the Indian subcontinent, the Whitachapel art Gallery, London.
March 2010 to June 2010 Indian highway travelling exhibition , currently at the Heart Herning Museum, Denmark
Dec 2008 - Feb 2009 India Moderna IVAM, Valencia. [ cat ] showing logic of birds and flower Carrier III : Performance-based photos, video, and Billboards across the city.
November / December 209, living off the grid Anant Art Center, Noida, India.
2009 Feb ARCO Madrid, public performance lying-down-on-the-ground : additional notes
2008/9, December: Where in the world, Devi art foundation, curated by the art&aesthetics deptt, J.N.U.
2008 SH Contemporary-Shanghai, art museum-Gwangju, Kunsforenig-Tromso, Davis Museum-Wellselly.
2008 September: Gwangju Biennale, Korea, curated by Okwui Enwezor, with Ranjit Hoskote. [cat]
2008, august Still Moving image inaugural exhibition of the Devi art Foundation, New Delhi
2008, July Les Rencontres Internationales Berlin
2008 April, presentation at Video Et Apres, Centre Pompidou, Paris
2008, April Les Rencontres Internationales Madrid
2008, March: Click - Contemporary Photography in India. Vadhera art gallery, New Delhi, and London.
2008 Feb: A season of film at Axel Lapp Projects, Berlin
2008 Jan, Global Feminisms at the Brooklyn museum: inaugural exhibition at the Elizabeth Sackler, at various venues since 2007, curated by Maura Riley and Linda Nochlin.
2007 November New Delhi New Wave, Marella Gallery, Milan
2007 Nov Les Rencontres Internationales Paris
Beaux-arts de Paris | l'Entrepot | Le Laboratoire
2007 Nov Carolee Schneeman and four women artists, at
Elga Wimmer gallery New York [ in conjunction with Performa 2007, New York]
2007 October FIAC 2007, Paris [ with gallery Jousse Enterprise ]
2007 October ‘˜India Art Now’ Spazio Oberdan, Milan
2007 October ‘Tiger by the Tail’, Rose Museum, Brandies University, Boston.
2007 September ‘global Feminism remix’ Davis Museum, Wellesley College, Boston
2007 September ‘Horn, Please’ Kunsthmueum Bern, Switzerland
2007 September Public places Private Spaces, Newark Museum, New York.
2007 July Artists’ Airshow. Arts Catalyst, London
2007 May Classe De Dans, Tanztheater/Progr, Bern
2007 March ‘I fear, I believe, I desire’ Gallery Espace, New Delhi
2007 January Private/corporate the Daimler Chrysler contemporary, Berlin
2006 December Nit casm Hangar Obert , Santa Monica Art Center, Barcelona
2006 November Canarias Media art Festival, Grand Canary Island
2006 October Pasaeges, Palais de Bozar, Brussels.
2006 October Bombay Maximum City, Lille, France
2006 September Hungry God Museum Arario Beijing, Beijing
2006 July Art on the Beach Gallery Enrico Navarra, Saint Tropez, France
2006 June Sub-contingent : The South Asian Subcontinent in Contemporary art, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo , Torino
2006, May Moving spirits, Franckesche Stiftungen, Halle.
2006 March Khoj, open day for the performance residency, Delhi.
2005 October Indian Summer, at the Ecole Des Beaux artes, Paris
2005 October the Koln Open Spaces art Fair, Cologne.
2005 October DIVA : Digital Video Art Festival, Paris
2004/2005 Edge of desire; recent art in India, Asia Society, New York, Tamayo Museum, Mexico
2005 April Body Perfect, the Walsh Gallery, Chicago.
2005 March Self into Social, Deptt of arts and aesthetics, J.N.U. New Delhi.
2004 October Thomas Erben Gallery, Chelsie, New York.
2004 October Another passage to India Museum of Ethnographie, Geneva, Switzerland.
2004 Sept onwards Edge Of desire: recent art in India Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth (cat )
2004 Aug-Sept Busan Biennale, Pusan, South Korea. ( cat )
2004 August-Sept Gender and Visuality: University of Western Cape, South Africa.
2004. April-June ZOOM : art in contemporary India, Culturgest Museum / Museo Temporario), Lisbon (cat)
2004 March rites/ rights/ rewrites:Indian women videomakers Cornell university, Ithaca, New York.
2004 February History in motion, Fukuoka Museum of Asian Art, Fukuoka City,
2003 December diVerge : National Gallery of Modern Art, Bombay (cat)
2003 September SubTerrain - Contemporary Art from India House of World Cultures, Berlin. (cat)
2003 Jan-May The seed from the tree:.. Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo. (cat)
2003 March-April Routes Enroute: Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Bombay. the British council - India.
2003 March Amsterdam International Shorts Film Festival, Cinema de Balie, Amsterdam.
2003 January Mastricht Outdoors Film festival, Hedah, Mastricht.
2002 March-June Kapital and Karma: Recent Positions in Indian Art, KunsthalleWienVienna. (cat)
2002 November Private mythologies, Apeejay Media gallery, New Delhi.(cat)
2002 September In Transit, the Habitat Center, New Delhi.
2002 July Self: video art from India. Institute for Modern Art, Brisbane.
Select film screenings: last six years:
2008 February a season of films, at Axel Lapp projects, Berlin
2007 April Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Providence.
2005 December Bangkok Democrazy : 4th International experimental film Festival, Bangkok.
2005 July Progme, Internaitional video art festival, Rio de Janerio. (cat)
2005 June the Transgender Film Festival, Amsterdam.
2005, April Iowa international Documentary film Festival, Iowa City.
2005 March Women in director’s chair film festival, Chicago.
2004 November ParaDocs at IDFA :International Documentary film festival, Amsterdam. ( cat )
2004 August CinemaTexas, International shorts film festival, Texas. ( cat )
2004/2005 Bewogen, a traveling shorts film festival, Holland.
2003 March Under Control- film festival, Cinema de Balie, Amsterdam. ( cat )
2003 January Mastricht Outdoors Film festival, Hedah, Mastricht.
2002-2003 : Park T.V. roamingScreenings Berlin, New York and St.Petersburg.
2001, December Digital orgy: the Bangkok International Experimental Film Festival, Bangkok. ( cat )
Select conferences and symposia :
-Jan 2012 - Performance art: the medium of the century. Discussant for panel discussion at India Art Fair, January 2012, with co-panelists Rosalee Goldberg and Geeta Kapur.
Nov 2011 - - Psychoanalysis and the arts in India, speaker, at a symposium that brings together scholars, psychoanalysts and artists [Amar Kanwar and Anita Dube], a khoj initiative, November 2011.
May 2010 - Art Institutions and Feminist Politics Now invited speaker at symposium at Museum of Modern Art, NewYork, in the panel: activism and pedagogy.
april to October 2010 - Hangzou, Beijing, Shanghai, ‘from the west heaven’ a moving forum and symposia between various cities in Japan.
August 2010 : artist in conversation at Ait, Tokyo, Japan
April & July 2010 New Arts exchange, Nottingham Residency including a workshop with local groups leading upto a solo exhibition.
May 2010 - Artists’ space: Rosascape Paris invited for first edition of a series of talks titled:"who's talking". In conversation with Chantal Pontbriand: curator and former editor of Parachute magazine .
a drawing-based Performance : lying-on-the-ground: additional notes - at ARCO in Madrid, in feb 2009.
2009 October: Panel discussion, as a curtain raiser to the initiative: Osian’s learning experience: the influence of cinema on the visual arts in India, with Amar Kanwar, Sadanand Menon, Pushpamal N. and professor Samik Bandhyopadhyay. Osian’s Cinefan, new Delhi
2009 January Invited as Key note speaker, in conversation with Rustom Bharucha, on ‘performing through video’ - International conference of language[s] of theatre, School of arts and aesthetics, J.N.U, New Delhi
2009 February speaker at a round table symposium: “contemporary art - beyond the fair” on the occasion of the exhibition: “India Moderna”, chaired by Geeta Kapur, at IVAM, Valencia
2009, February: panel discussion: The history of cinema and the moving image in India [ with Juan Guardiola and Alberto Elena ] Casa Encendida, Madrid
2009, March speaker at a syposium on pleasure, during the exhibition “ where in the world”, Devi art Foundation, at J.N.U., New Delhi.
2008 March International Symposium on performance, at Khoj live, new Delhi
2008 July Artists’ talk at the Kunstverien, Tromso.
2007 October ‘tiger by the tail’ symposium, Brandies Univ. Boston
2007 July ‘The aesthetics of impossibility’ organized by Art Catalyst London
2007 April Artists’ Talk: the Daimler Chrysler contemporary, Berlin
2007 April Artist’s Talk: Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Providence.
2007 February Artists’ presentation during the international Performance residency, Khoj International, New Delhi.
2007 January facilitated the National Students workshop: Gender and Sexuality in the Disciplinary paradigm, at the M.S.University, Art Department of fine arts, Baroda, [ invited as a resource person ]
2006 Nov Symposium : Contingent Conversations: Culture, Convertibility and the Arts, National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA), New Delhi and Asia Society India Centre Mumbai
2006 November Presentation: the Canarias Media Festival, Grand Canary Islands.
2006 October Conference: "Sonia Khurana. Recent work" Casa Asia and MECAD. In conversation with Menene Gras Belaguer, Barcelona.
2006 March Presentation: international workshop on intercultural studies, school of languages, literature and cultural studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
2006 February Invited as observer to International Conference : Via Mumbai, Multiple Cultures in a Globalizing World, At Mohile Parikh Center for the Visual Arts, Mumbai.
2005 December Invited to facilitate a video workshop, ‘Getting there, part one, by the artist’ initiative El Despacho, in Mexico city.
2005 November Participant - International workshop on Media Art, Max Muller Bhawan ( the Goethe Institute), New Delhi
2004 August presentation, District Six Museum, Cape Town
2004 September presentation, - Institute of Art and Design, Durban
2004 August presentation at workshop: gender&visuality, Univ of Western Cape, Cape Town.
2004 May Lecture/presentation with Charles Esche and Gerardo Mosquera , RAIN, Rijksakademie.
workshops conducted, Public art, and other such projects :
2009 - Living in the Round -a recently launched, year-long project : art the public space, the first part of which was shown alongside another film installation, in the solo show at Goethe Institute/ MaxMueller Bhawan, New Delhi, in March-April 2009.
2009 - performance: Lying-on-the-ground: a proposal in poem: Initially staged at Arco, Madrid in February. followed by further development
2005 April/ May ‘Embodying spaces’: conceived and facilitated a video and performance based workshop with women in Uttaranchal,
2004 August Workshop: gender&visuality, Univ of Western Cape, Cape Town.
2004 Jan Concieved and facilitated a video-based workshop at Art bakery in Douala, Cameroun. Supported by the Rijksakademie International Artists Network.
2003, March Conceived and facilitated workshop : ‘Bull in a china shop’ with students at the Art Akademie of Den Bosch, the Netherlands.
2003, January invited participant : Conference: artists and a vision of the world. N.C.P.A., Bombay.
2001 September Camouflage: installations at the Nehru Center, London.
2001 August South African Women’s Art festival, the Playhouse, Durban.
2001 March Art On the Move A Public Art project, in Public venues (cat)
2001 Jan-Feb Context as Content: Museum as Metaphor: installations at the Museum Of Contemporary Art, Chandigarh. (cat)
2000 November Khoj International Workshop Open Day, Modinagar.(cat)
2001, March ‘my house is my husband’, installation with pushcart, zoetrope and performance photos, part of the SAHMAT project: Art On The Move.
2000, November wailing well : installation with sound in a functional, public well at the Modi Estate, at the Khoj Workshop.
1999 September Launch of the Zoetrope at British Film Institute’s IMAX Cinema, London [till 2001]
Select Awards and grants :
2006 Research Grant, Werkleitz, Germany.
2003 Josine De Bruyn Kops Fonds for Artists, the Netherlands.
1997-99 INLAKS Grant for Royal College Of Art, in London
1992 All India Fine Arts And Crafts Society Annual Grant.
1990 Sailoz Mukherjee Award (artist of the year) Award, College of Art, Delhi.
Select residencies :
2008 summer offshoot residency supported by O.C.A., Norway, for research in Tromso, Norway
2007 Summer A project-based International artisits’ residency supported by GegenwArt, and Kunstmuseum Berne, Switzerland.
2006 Oct -Nov A two month residency to research a video project at MECAD / CASAASIA, Barcelona.
[supported by the Antoni de Montserrat programme, CASAASIA]
2006 July- Sept A 2 month artistic residency in Paris.
[ supported by La delegation generale d’alliance Francaise De Paris en Inde ]
2006 April-May Moving Spirits: a 2 month residency in Werklitz, to research a film project, in Halle, Germany.
2006 Feb-March International residency in performance, KHOJ International residency programme, New Delhi
2002-2004 two-year research Residency, the Rijksakademie Amsterdam.
2001 September Travel grant to Germany, through the Goethe Institute and invitation to participate in the seminar: New Media Art - from interactive installations to internet
2000, Oct - Nov KHOJ International workshop (through the Triangle Trust), Modinagar, India.
1998 summer Studio Residency at the Ecole Internationale DesArts, Paris
1998, May Bundy Travel Award to New York
1995, March Dongar95, workshops in the tribal regions (through INTACH) Orissa, India.
Teaching Experience:
Guest teaching / Associate/ studio visits [select] :
2007 Department of Fine Arts, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2006 Art Department, University of Newcastle, Newcastle.
2003 School of Art and Design, Utrecht.
1999 University of East London, London.
1995- 1996 National School of Drama, New Delhi
Other - selector/ on jury :
2003 June selector: Media art festival, Friesland, the Netherlands
2002 May on jury: the Unesco Aschburg Residencies to Sanskriti Kendra, New Delhi.
2001 and 2002 on jury: the Inlaks Grant India.
2000 June the Charles Wallace award to Britain, for visual arts.
Publications and Select reviews/ interviews: [ to be updated]
( see catalogues where indicated next to each exhibition under: solo and group shows )
2007, september review on solo in Paris, by Elizabeth Lebovici,
2007, June Feature article by Fabrice Bousteau Beaux artes magazine, Paris
2004 March Salto T.V Interview with Els Van Der Plaas.
2004 January Le Liberation, Paris,, artwork featured, with article.
2002 July Art Monthly London, Review of exhibition: Kapital and karma, by David Lillington
2003 July Perception and presence in British art of the African, Asian and Caribbean diasporas by Leon Wainwright - PhD thesis, SOAS, University of London,
2002 December Springerin, Vienna, writer: Nancy Adjania.
2002 January Making it new: new media art. Art India magazine, Bombay.
2001 October Art Throb Durban, Review of works from the South African Women’s Art festival
2001 January Marg Journal, Bombay,Dr. Kavita Singh’s Editorial On ‘Lone Women Don’t
2001, September Documenta in Delhi for H-ArtHist a Berlin based Web Journal.
2000. September Essay: ‘A phenomenology of origins: artist Sonia Khurana' by Leon Wainwright, in the artist’s book Sonia Khurana: Lone women don't lie.
select, published articles/ essays written by me :
2006, May 'five visits' - text for video work, for the catalogue for 'moving spirits' project, Werkleitz, Germany.
2004. august ‘telling tales of flesh, meat and skin: paper (to be pubished) read at a conference on Gender and Visuality, university of western Cape, Cape Town, south Africa.
2002 January Making it new: new media art. Art Indi,Bombay.
2001, September Documenta in Delhi for H-ArtHist a Berlin based Web Journal.
2000, September all text in the Artists book: lone women Don’t lie.
Select websites featuring work : [ to be updated ]
Culturebase.net: a Germany-based artists website
Apeejay Media Gallery website, India.
African and Asian Visual Arts Archives, London Live Arts web archives
Live Arts website, London.
The Rijksakademie website, and The Royal College of Art website
Several other websites to be listed.
Contact details :
E-mail: sonia_khurana@yahoo.com
Tel : mobile: 00 919871440472
London number: [ used less often ] : 00 44 7535105063
landline: 00 91 11 41671134
postal address: D- 207, second floor, Saket.
New Delhi - 110017. India. |