Joydip Sengupta

• Name: Joydip Sengupta

• Born:

New Del h i , I n d ia

• Education:

2001: MFA - Duncan of Jord anstone C ollege of Art and Design, Sc otlan d, UK

2000: MFA - College of Ar t, New Del h i, In d ia

1998: BFA - Kala Bhavan, Sant iniketan, W est Bengal, Ind ia.


2010: Pollock Krasner Foundat ion Grant, USA

2010: Travel Grant – Da n ish C entre for Culture and D e velo p men t, Denmark

2000: Commonw ealth Scholars h ip, U K

M . F . Hussa in Awa rd, College of Art, New Del h i, Ind ia

1999: The E l izabeth Greens h i elds Foundation Gran t, Canada

1996: The E l izabeth Greens h i elds Foundation Gran t, Canada

Nat ional Scholars h ip, M i n i stry of HRD, New Del h i, I ndia



2013:   “ Sensoria”, Artworld, Sarala’s Art Center, Chennai, India

2011: “ Dialect ica”, Ganges Art Gallery, Kolkat a, In d ia

2008: “El ast ic Dreams”, Pundole Art G allery & Arus hi Arts, K itab Mahal, M umba i, Ind ia

2007: “Equ inox S hift ”, Gallery Bose Pa c i a, Kolkata, Ind ia

2006: “Lo st in Translat ion”, Gallery Nature Morte & the S w i ss Embassy, N ew Delh i, I nd ia

2006: “S i gn – Sequence ”, T riven i Gallery, Arus hi Arts, New D el h i, Ind i a,

2005: “ Urban Space ”, Gallery Art W orld, Chenna i, India

2004: “ I magined Metaphors ”, T riven i Gallery, New Del h i, I ndia

2003:  “ Map p ing T erra ins ”, G allery Art World, Chenna i, India

1999: “Constructions in Space”, Gallery Art India St yle, New Del h i, I nd i a


2013: Harvest Show, The Stainless Gallery, Arushi Arts, New Delhi

2012: Art Mar t, Ep i centre, Apparel House, Gurgaon, curated by Sushma Behl,   "Ha r vest ", Stainless Gallery, Arus hi Arts, New Del hi

2011:  “Limitless Futures”, India Ha bitat Centre, presented by Gallery

Aakar Prakar , in a sso c ia tion w ith A nish   Goel of Victo r inox and curated by D r. A lka Pand e, New Delhi

“ Take 2 ”, The Gallery Mall, Arushi Arts, curated by Amit Ja in of

Na vsar , New   Delh i,

“ Indiske B i lleder ”, B ir kerød K unstforen i n g, curated by Preben

Gondol f , Denmark

2010: “P i cture Wallah ”, Secher Scott Scan d in avian Auct ion a nd Gallery, C openhagen, Denmark

Ha rv est Sho w, “Pa isa paisa money money ”, The Gallery, Arushi A rts, curated by Amit Ja in of Na v sar, New Del hi

“ In dia. Tra vel Notes”, Babusch, Ber l in, Germ any

“ Art for Concern ”, Annual Cha rity Auct ion, Concern In d ia, M umba i, Ind ia

M oments '10, AR U S HI AR T S, New Del h i, Ind ia

2009:   " Who We Are ", Su njin Galle r ie s, S i n gapore

Ha rv est Sho w, “ Ctrl +Alt+D el ”, Sta inless Gallery, Arushi Art s, curated by Am it J a in of N avsar, New Del h i, India

“ Art for Concern ”, Annual Cha rity Auct ion, Concern In d ia

Fo unda ion , Mumba i, I nd ia

2008: “ The Sun R is es in the East ”, Galerie Ch r istian Hosp, curated by Dr.

Alka   Pande , Aust r ia

“H a r vest Show ”, St a i nle ss G a ller y, Ar us hi Ar t s, Ind ia

“ Art Beat ”, T he Sh r ine Gallery, New Delh i, I n d ia

“B eyond Boundar ies ”, Gallery in 28 Cork St., Arushi Art s, Londo n, UK “T he Holi S how ”, Red Eart h, New Delh i, Ind ia

“ Art for Concern ”, Ann ual Cha rity Auct ion, Concern In d ia

Fo und a t io n, M umb a i, In d ia

2007: “Ha r vest sho w ”, Arus hi Art s, New Del h i, Ind ia

“ R EAL ", Matters of Ar t, New Delh i, Ind ia

“Van ity F air”, Mon Art Gallery, curated by Bhavna K hakar, Kolkata, Ind ia

“C ross Roads ”, Anant Art Gallery, Kolkata, I n d ia

2006: “A Compensation for W hat has been Lost ”, curated by Johny M.L., Art Concern s, Tra vancore House, New Del h i, India

“ Monsoon Moods ”, Art Ind ia Galler y, J SW Founda t io n, M um ba i,

Ind ia

“H a r vest Sho w ”, Arus hi Art s, New Del h i, Ind ia

“T he Ind ian Art Sho w ”, Arus hi Arts, Neh ru Centr e, L o n do n , UK “O n l ine Show”, The Arts Trus t, Mumba i, I nd i a

2005: “Contemporary Forms ”, C IMA, Kolkat a, India

“ TUCHE ”, Gal lery Kale i doscop e, Vadodara, I nd i a

“D etour ”, Gal lery 8 8, Mum ba i, Ind ia

“ H i roshima - Ne ver Again ”, Arpana Gallery, curated by Suneet

Chopr a, New Delh i, Ind ia

“ Monsoon Show ”, Nature Morte, New Del hi, Ind ia

“ Art Wa v es ”, Gallery Art Mosa i c, Singapore

2004: “S i ngular Ident it yS ”, V isual Arts Gallery, curated by Dr. Alka Pande, IH C, New Del h i, Ind ia

47 th. Nat ional Exh i b it ion of Ar t, Lal it Kala Akadem i, N ew Delh i, I nd ia

“F a ce to Face – an ex hi b it ion on portra i ture .” C IMA Gallery, Ko lkat a, Ind ia

” U r b an Confluence ”, Apparao Galler ie s, Tr iven i, New Delh i, I nd i a

T wo-Man Sho w, Gallery Sumuk ha, Bangalore, Ind ia 9th. Harmony show, Nehru Centre, Mumba i, Ind ia

2002: ”Beyond Memory ”, India Ha b itat Centre, curated by Dr. Alka

Pand e , New Delh i, Ind ia

“ Young Contempora r ies from San t i n iketan ”, Gallery E spac e, curated by Jogen Chowdhury, New Delh i, Ind ia

1998: 41s t. Nat ional Ex h i b ition of A rt, R a b indra B havan, New Del h i, I n d ia

Art Fair:

2009: India Art Summi t, New Del h i, I ndia

2008: “ ART S ingapore ”, Suntec, S ingapo re

A rt Exp o, M umba i, In d i a


2008: Emami Chisel Art Auction, Contemporary and Modern Ind ian Ar t, Ko l kat a, Ind ia


National Gallery of Modern Ar t, New Del h i, Ind ia

and other pri vate collect ions in Indi a, S i n gapore, USA, Den mark, France and Germany.


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